more sugestions
11 Jan 1997 12:37:16 EST


Hello Tree:
    Thanks for the answer regarding RIT and ? symbol. Now I'll be able to 
put ? again in calls!
    During the year I've been using your soft I've found some areas of 
   1. Last update you allowed positioning automatically over a ? in a 
callsign, after <tab> or arrow up or dwn, but if you're in insert mode 
the cursor goes 1 character further to the right. in the NO INSERT mode 
it's OK.
   2. In WAE contest DX side, you can't re-send a specific QTC. Possible 
fix is tapping any F-key followed by number of QTC (as in CT).
   3. We use TS850 and this rig has 2 buttons to select filters. 1 for 
.455 and another for 9mhz IF. Sadly, you must circle tru all settings 
to get back to previous setting. So to change from .5 to .250 is 1 click 
, but 5 clicks to go agn to .5!!!  We propose to use F11 and F12 to move 
tru selectivities for the most used IF, and shifh-f11 & shift-f12 for the 
less used IF. Tru a entry in Ctrl-J menu you can select the most used IF.
   4. While recovering from my illness during WRTC, i stopped at S56A 
station in motel 9. He was using a homebrew soft that allowed him to send 
calls and exchange with key, but the program decoded the cw and fills 
call by itself. So he sent eg.   LU6BEG 5nn6   and the soft put in the 
call field LU6BEG. Also if you make a mistake you can correct it with the 
    lu7beg 5nn6
    5nn14 de lu6beg
    lu6 tu de w6w...
and the program changed lu7 to lu6 automatically.
    I think it's an easy modification to make, since you already decode 
CW thru parallel port..,.  
    Thanks for improving the best soft around. 73
Ernesto Grueneberg
* UniQWK v4.2 * The Windows Mail Reader