[TRLog] When somebody says you are in their log but he is not in yours

Gilbert Baron gbaron@sparc.isl.net
Sun, 02 Nov 1997 01:33:23 GMT

What do you do if you call somebody and they tell you it is a
duplicate but you do not have them in your log. You can't add it
because it is probably not a valid contact and you don't have the
information anyway. The problem is he refuse to work you and you want
him marked duplicate without counting in the contest. What is the best
way to do this?
Gil Baron W0MN gbaron@sparc.isl.net http://www.geocities.com/Yosemite/Trails/4168/
Bailar es vivir" pgp2.6 key http://www-swiss.ai.mit.edu/~bal/pks-toplev.html
"Cuatro caminos hay en mi vida. Cual de los cuatro sera el mejor" 
[Posted with Agent 1.5. For info, email agent-info@forteinc.com.]

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