[TRLog] Re: TR Hangs (no more!)

Jack Trampler - N2JT n2jt@fast.net
Sun, 2 Nov 1997 23:27:54 -0500

I'll second Tom's comments.  Only made 382 contacts in the CW Sweepstakes
and TR didn't hang once.  TR performed GREAT!  Unfortunately I was unable
to use the QSX or any other radio control function as the serial port on my
FT-1000MP went klaphooey.

Great contest!  Great program!

Thanks Tree.

Jack - N2JT          

packet:  N2JT@W3BI.#EPA.PA.USA.NA
e-mail:   n2jt@fast.net

> From: Wagner <tomwagner@mindspring.com>
> To: trlog@contesting.com
> Subject: [TRLog] Re: TR Hangs (no more!)
> Date: Sunday, November 02, 1997 9:48 PM
> I complained after CQWW SSB that TR stopped responding about
> a dozen times in 370 q's.  As most are aware, Tree found a fix
> for the problem and sent out version 6.15 last week.
> After about 130 q's in SS CW (using packet throughout), TR
> "hung" zero times!  I think you've found it, Tree!
> Thanks you Tree for so promptly addressing this bug.
> 73,
> Tom - N1MM

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