[TRLog] TRLog Suggestions

george fremin iii geoiii@bga.com
Mon, 3 Nov 1997 21:29:36 -0600 (CST)

Dale Martin writes:
>I have a couple of comments: 

>It seems to me that if TRLog can detect and display the frequency, it 
>might be able to detect a frequency change or movement and switch to 
>S&P automatically.  Except for a big-gun station moving to another CQ 
>frequency, would switching automatically to S&P on VFO movement 
>cause problems? 
>Maybe it could be an optional thing that could be enabled from the 
>command menu. 

It is already there - it was added a few versions ago.
It is in the Control-J menu.

>2.  When I wanted to take some off time, I tried using /OFF and /ON 
>in the command lines.  /OFF (didn't hit return) did nothing.  /ON <return> 
>when I got back on caused TRLog to "/ON (exchange)"

It is the other slash \off and \on 

>Where in the log columns do the off/on times show up?  I manually 
>inserted them after the section column. 

They show up as notes.

>4.  When I did take an off-time, I would exit TRLog and shut down the 
>computer completely.   When I booted TRLog back up, I found that 
>some of the commands I had changed had changed back to their 
>defaults (decrement QSO number on repeat, sidetone frequency = 0, 
>and a couple of others).  This was kind of distracting.  During slow 
>CQ'ing QSO rate periods (<60, >30 an hour), I would read the manual.  
>I tried ALT-W after making a command change, but everytime I reloaded 
>TRLog it seemed I had to change the above two commands, at least, 
>each time.).  

You have to do the ALT-W while you are still on the 
highlighted command.  Or you can do an ALT-G and 
save all the changes you made during your time in 
the Control-J menu.


George Fremin III
Austin, Texas C.K.U.                 "Eight is enough."

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