[TRLog] TR Log to become RAT Log

Tree N6TR n6tr@teleport.com
Wed, 5 Nov 1997 09:04:03 -0800 (PST)

> To be more accurate this is a trademark dispute, not copyright. 
> I can't believe Microsoft would be worried about this but you don't
> argue with the king, not when he has all of that financial and legal
> power. 

Thanks for setting us all straight on this one.  Gil is of course 
correct - it is a trademark, not a copyright.  The copyright would
apply to my source code.

> I hate having to change all of my habits and directories. I bet it is a
> long time before people stop calling it TRLOG.

I think you are again correct - it probably will be a long time before
we stop referring to the program as TR as well.

Just to show you how crazy it can be with big companies, I just got
a memo here at Intel saying that we had to remove pens from the 
service award menu.  Why?  Because ink is considered a potentially
toxic chemical and Intel doesn't want to be on the "list" of people
who export toxic chemicals.  Therefore, we can be seen sending a
ball point pen to some guy outside of the USA...

And I am not making that up (unlike some of my previous posts).


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