[TRLog] SS Exchanges

Tree N6TR n6tr@teleport.com
Tue, 11 Nov 1997 22:43:31 -0800 (PST)

I have solved the K6LL mystery (also reported by some others afterwards).

When an SS exchange comes from the TRMASTER.DTA database (check and section),
it has a space at the end of it.  This is so it will clearly be identified
as a check and section, and you can enter the number an precedence without
moving the cursor.

When you move the cursor to the start of the enter and enter the 
number and precedence at the start of the exchange window, you still
have the space at the end of the entry.  The routine that looks for 
a callsign looks for something deliminated by a space that looks like
a callsign.  Since it finds the space after something that fits the
format for a call (9A97CO), followed by a space - it thinks it found
a real call.

When you enter the same entry manually - without the space, it isn't
picked up as a call.

In 6.16, I am deleting any spaces that are at the end of the exchange.
Therefore, you should see consistent results.

73 Tree

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