[TRLog] Another radio problem - FT1000MP

Tree N6TR n6tr@teleport.com
Thu, 13 Nov 1997 09:46:31 -0800 (PST)

VE6JY reports the following:

> Using the FT-1000mp I get a frequency shift as the ALT M toggles between
> the the band registers in the 'MP.....say I start on 14124.0 ALTm goes to
> 14024...then 14123.1....then 14024.9. What I lose on SSB (900 hz) adds to
> the CW each time you hit ALT M.. I don't think I have anything unusual in
> the config file to make this happen.....any ideas? 

After some investigation, this appears to be because of the way
the MP reports its frequency.  Most radios always report their
transmitted frequency - even on CW, where there is an offset
(in this case - 900 Hertz).

However, I guess the MP (in its standard configuration) reports the 
actual receiver frequency.  So, if you set a frequency in CW, and 
then change modes to SSB, the radio's reported frequency will shift
by 900 Hertz.  The same thing happens in reverse when going from
SSB to CW!  

Curently TR has to send two commands to the MP to change frequency
and mode.  It does the frequency first, then the mode.  I believe
I can solve this problem with the MP by simply reversing the 
two and changing mode first.  This will be in the next release.

Subtle differences in new radios compared to their previous brothers
is going to drive me to the funny farm!!!!!  I think I need a contest.
See you in the SS SSB as K7RAT, Q power.

Tree N6TR

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