[TRLog] CQ WW Exchange

Larry Weaver n6tw@csi.com
Fri, 14 Nov 1997 22:42:07 -0800

>Yes, and on the rare occasion that someone gets wise, or forgets the
>official contest signal report of 59 or 599, it's easy to jump up and
>edit the signal report and get back to business.
>73 de Lee

I hit the home key to jump in front of the zone and then type the signal
report  followed by a space before entering it into the log. For example, if
given 579, press Home, 7, space and then enter--579 is entered in the log.
You don't need to type the entire report. Takes only 3 key strokes.

Don't forget the space or, for example, zone 6 becomes zone 76 which takes
many key strokes to edit. Two digit zones won't let you enter without the
space but single digits will.



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