[TRLog] operating breaks

Thomas M. Schaefer toms@inconnect.com
Mon, 17 Nov 1997 12:17:55 -0700

How about turn your radio off when you are "OFF". If the program does not
detect a radio (assuming you are interfaced and the radio entries are in
LOGCFG.DAT), you must be off. In the case of listening time, If your radio
is on, you must be on (or out of the room, but this would require a Dynamap
to check your blood pressure to see if you are there - Hi Hi). If everyone
would agree that the radio is off when you are "OFF", this would work
nicely. Another implementation detail could be if the program ever detects a
radio, then use this method, otherwise ignore it and accept only the /OFF.


Tom NY4I

PS Off topic, If anyone knows what special event the 1x1 calls from
California were during SS, please email me directly (no bandwidth here). I
thought the 1x1 program did not accomdate contests as being special events.

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