[TRLog] 1x1 calls

Scott A. Stembaugh scott@purdue.edu
Mon, 17 Nov 1997 15:11:14 EST

On 17 Nov 97 at 12:17, Thomas M. Schaefer wrote:
> 73,
> Tom NY4I
> PS Off topic, If anyone knows what special event the 1x1 calls from
> California were during SS, please email me directly (no bandwidth here). I
> thought the 1x1 program did not accomdate contests as being special events.

See http://ncvec.spindle.net/html/show_all.cfm for the 1x1 assigned 
list and information.

--scott n9ljx

Scott A. Stembaugh - Project Administrator
scott@purdue.edu (765)494-3308 Fax: (765)496-1380

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