[TRLog] Re: TS-570

Tree N6TR n6tr@teleport.com
Tue, 18 Nov 1997 14:12:17 -0800 (PST)

> I just got a new TS570, nice radio!  I replaced a TS440 which worked
> fine.  I'm having one problem, when I key the radio either by the
> computer and TR or by using the internal keyer it sends fine.  When I
> connect the control of the radio to the computer using the rs-232 port
> it controls the radio just fine but the cw becomes choppy and broken
> up.  I have the paddle port off, and have tried all different baud
> rates.  The same exact senerio happens when I use EQF.  I'm using a
> fully populated DB-9 to DB-9 cable between the radio and computer, I
> wonder if that's a problem?

The CW gets choppy when you are sending from TR and when sending 
from the internal keyer?  

> I hope someone has an idea!  

I have some ideas, and this might even be releated to the problem
W0MN has seen with the 870...  I have tried to find someone at Kenwood
to talk to who might know something about all of this, but so far,
I have only gotten useless advice (i.e., send the radio back).

It sounds like (assuming that my first paragraph is true) that 
Kenwood has taken a step backwards in their interface implementation.
I believe I have a flag in my program where you can disable the 
polling of the radio when transmitting (NO POLL DURING PTT) and
perhaps this is what needs to be done to "fix" the problem.

This was never necessary with their previous radios that didn't end
with 70.

Tree N6TR

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