[TRLog] Enhancements

Pat Moore pmoore@ugf.edu
Mon, 13 Oct 1997 12:45:33 -0600

Gil Baron wrote:
>I would like to see the following in this order.
>Sounds are sent through the sound card. This would be MUCH easier if it
>were a windows program or ran in dos window (does it, I just ordered it)

My 2¢ worth:  One of TRLog's (mostly) unappreciated advantages is that it
will run on a pretty simple platform.  In these days of memory and disk
hogging Windows apps, TR performs really nicely on a '286 with no
embellishments to the machine beyond a serial and a parallel port if you
want all the bells and whistles.  It's possible to put together a really
serious network with a bunch of junk computers and tool up a multi-multi
with most of the money going into the rigs, not the computers.
Tree, if you do incorporate soundcard support, please follow your usual
procedure and allow us to switch between card and internal speakers - or
more importantly in most contest environments, to continue being able to
shut off the whole sound thing.

73 de AL7L

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