[TRLog] Packet splits

Tree N6TR n6tr@teleport.com
Tue, 14 Oct 1997 11:10:08 -0700 (PDT)

I am working on the routine to decode QSX information from packet
spots.  This is a tedious procedure to write - making sure any of
the "accepted" ways of recording this information will work.

I am planning to do something like this:

QSX 7238.2
QSX 238.2

All of the above would have to appear at the start of the notes field.

I might get talked into things like this:

up 1
dn 1
down 1.5

but probably not this:

up 100-200 Hertz

Any input appreciated.

I hope to have something thrown together for people to try in the
CQ WW SSB test.    The plan is to make the band map remember QSX 
frequencies.  Not sure about the control-U menu (lower priority).


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