[TRLog] Re: New master callsign databases for CT, NA, TRLOG

Jim Reisert ad1c@contesting.com
Thu, 16 Oct 1997 14:31:13 -0400

A couple of things I forgot to mention in my first announcement:

1.  I only used logs received in the last month to assemble this
    database.  Since I requested logs from CQWW 96 and later, the
    calls listed are those that were active in the last year.

2.  All pre-vanity US callsigns have been mapped to vanity
    callsigns. if one was assigned.  So you won't see WN4KKN or KM9P
    in the database. 

I also forgot to give credit to a few more contributors:


73 - Jim AD1C  <jjreisert@alum.mit.edu>

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