[TRLog] SBDVP Trlog sound card software upgrade (fwd)

Jerry Fray n9tu@qsl.net
Thu, 16 Oct 1997 18:12:24 -0500

Hi George and the Group -
>>I think I added what you wanted.  Download
>>ftp://fermi.la.asu.edu/pub/sbdvp091.zip This contains a version of
>>sbdvp which allows an extra command line switch. For example:
>>sbdvp -m2p1
>>will make pin 2 of parallel port 1 high while recording.  In general
>> -mxpy will toggle pin x (must be 2-9) of parallel port y (must be 1-3).
>>There is a paragraph in the documentation saying the above.
I went to this site to download sbdvp091.zip and it's no longer there.
There are however three other files name 092, 093 and 094. The FTP
directory is : ftp://fermi.la.asu.edu/pub/
Jerry N9TU (Formerly KG9JD)
"No Code - No HF....Know Code KNOW HF!"
dit dit

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