[TRLog] Re: problems?

Tree N6TR n6tr@teleport.com
Sat, 18 Oct 1997 08:20:36 -0700 (PDT)

> Whilst I have band map enable = false    which I prefer, the following
> happens
> Whilst using CTRL U to pick up a packet spot the Tr programme locks in search
> & pounce mode, pressing SHIFT-TAB or any other key will not unlock the PC I
> have had to use Ctrl-Alt-Delete to regain control of the PS

Not very convenient.

> When the band map enable is true TR works ok...

Ahha - a clue.  I probably did all of my testing with the band map
on.  I will look into this.

> Also ? What keys do I use to go to grab a new Dxspot that has just came in
> and back to the original freq quickly ?

This has been thought about, but not yet implemented.  I will try to 
come up with something shortly (along with the fix to the above).


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