[TRLog] Who is using TR Log with a K1EA DVP board?

Steve Kelly skelly@hevanet.com
Thu, 23 Oct 1997 09:22:16 -0700

I'm not having any success running TR Log with a K1EA DVP.  I would like to
know who else is using the DVP board and TR Log.  I would also like the
following info:

----Your hardware----

CPU & Speed (ex. Intel 486-100)
Motherboard Manufacturer and Model if you know (ex. Asus P55T2P4, Don't know)
Are you using onboard I/O (serial/parallel) ports
Internal modems
Tape backup drive
Operating system (ex. Win '95 but boot to DOS for contest)

I would appreciate hearing from anyone who is using some of the faster
CPU's like Intel Pentium 166's or above, Cyrix 686's and AMD K6's.  All
responses will be helpful.

Tnx in advance.

73, Steve  K7EM

Steve Kelly

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