[TRLog] Hangups

jfeustle jfeustle@uoft02.utoledo.edu
Mon, 27 Oct 1997 08:19:36 -0500

Like N1MM, I too experienced numerous hangups with versions 6.12 and 6.13.
These  happened while running high and low power. One of the reasons I went
back to v. 6.12 was because of the frequent lock-ups in 6.13.

In 6.13 the program frequently would hang after sending a packet spot. It,
and 6.12, also hung up with the cursor in either of the two data windows.
The only common denominator I can spot is that the hangup occured when I
had to wait to get through a pileup. The power factor didn't appear to
influence the problem. One other observation, the volume of packet spots
was the highest I can ever remember.

Computer: 90 mHz. AMD P5; DOS 6.22


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