[TRLog] TR Version 6.15
Tree N6TR
Tue, 28 Oct 1997 23:00:17 -0800 (PST)
Release notes for TR Logging Program - Version 6.15
29 October 1997
Version 6.15 - Released on 29 October
- Grid squares that have Y or Z in them are no longer legal. These
are illegal characters.
- Several DVP related fixes having to do with files. First, if you
use the DVP PATH command in your LOGCFG.DAT file, your .DVP files
were not being copied to the place indicated. This is now fixed.
Next, you will be asked if you want to save the .DVP files that
are in DVP PATH when you exit the program. They would be saved in
the working directory (same one that the LOG.DAT file is in).
Finally, when you save more than one backcopy file with the same
QSO number, it should have a letter appended to the QSO number to
make a unique filename. This was not working if you used the DVP
PATH command (either in your AUTOEXEC.BAT or LOGCFG.DAT file). This
is now fixed. The files are saved in the current directory regardless
of the setting of the DVP PATH.
- You can now put file copy commands in your LOGCFG.DAT files. This
allows you to have personal DVP files off somewhere and copy them
wherever you need them. The syntax is
COPY FILES = SourceDir FileName DestDir
You can use a period for the current directory. You can use
wildcards (*) in the filename to copy multiple files at once.
- Made packet spots in CW/SSB gray areas just keep ActiveMode. This
applies to 3530 to 3600 kHz, 7030 to 7100 KHz to name a couple of
cases. Before, if you grabbed a packet spot in one of these
ranges, it was possible that you would be switched from CW to SSB
- Eliminated first two letters of country name from getting erased
if you do a second dupe check.
- Added CWMONITORON and CWMONITOROFF function key commands. Put
these at the start of a CW message to turn off (or on) the
computer speaker sidetone. Put a Control-C just before the command
and a Control-D after it. You can only put one of these commands
in a single message (i.e., you can't turn it back on at the end
of the message - instead, you need to turn it on for all of the
messages you want it on for).
See section 4.2 under Control-C and Control-D for more information
on these types of commands.
- Added PACKET AUTO CR command (control-J - default = false). When TRUE,
a carriage return is sent to the packet port when you exit the
Control-B window and have started typing a new line. This prevents
the TNC from holding back data waiting for you to finish your entry.
- Added TRACE startup command. If you are having problems with the
program hanging when logging a QSO, this is intended to give me
some idea where the program is hanging up. Start the program by
typing TR TRACE and continue normal operation. When the program
hangs, you will see some funny characters in the call or exchange
window. Tell me which ones you see.
Hopefully this command will scare any remaining problems away.
- Fixed the terrible packet bug. Yes - a equal sign instead of a
greater than sign in the procedure that deletes the guy you just
worked from packet display resulted in the hang ups.
- Some clean up of .DOM files. Now use Qc instead of Pq for Ve2.
- Added PACKETSIMULATE start up command. Allows you to use a second
computer to generate massive quantities of pack spots (about one
per second). You get to select which port you want to use and
it does the rest.
- Added PASSTHROUGH start up command. This allows you to logically
connect two serial ports together. I know it works up to 4800
baud. Might not work at 9600 baud on "slower" computers. This
allowed me to connect my development computer to a packet node
on the internet by talking through my BBS computer.
Version 6.14 - Released on 23 October
- DVP timing changed to work with faster computers.
Version 6.13 - Released on 22 October.
*** WARNING ***
Version 6.13 has significant changes to the packet interface. While
each new feature has been tested, the whole package has not been used
under actual contest conditions yet. Please spend the appropriate time
testing this version before using it in a contest.
*** WARNING ***
- New CTY.DAT file from AD1C.
- Fixed TAIL END MESSAGE not being written correctly to LOGCFG.DAT file
when changing it with the Alt-P command.
- Fixed FT920 selection for radio 2 (worked only for radio 1 before).
- Added QSX frequency support for packet. If the QSX ENABLE flag is
TRUE, then incoming packet spots will be examined for QSX data. If
something is found - it will be shown in both the Control-U menu and
the band map. For the band map, an x will appear after the frequency.
When selecting a spot with QSX data, your radio will be put into
split mode and your B VFO set to the tranmit frequency.
- To add QSX information to packet spots you are generating, set the
PACKET SPOT EDIT ENABLE command to TRUE. This will allow you to
edit your spots before they go out.
Version 6.12 - Released on 12 October.
- Updated QSO points for VK/ZL contest to new rules.
- Created method for showing station status in a multi network. The
message is set with MULTI INFO MESSAGE (using control-J). Put a
$ in the message to show CQ freq or S&P. Use % to show your rate.
To view everyone's info, use the Control-E command. You have to
have your own MULTI INFO MESSAGE set for the Control-E command to
work. The data is shown in the editable log window. Stays there
until you log a QSO.
If your radio isn't interfaced, you can set your "CQ" frequency
by entering your frequency in the call window.
- Added HP startup command. This is a simple HP style calculator
utility. In case you need a calculator on your next dx-pedition.
- Added LC startup command. If you are using your SWR analyzer to
measure inductance or capacitance, allows you to enter the resonant
frequency, and the value of your standard cap or coil, and it will
compute the value for you.
- Allow for SERIAL 5 and SERIAL 6 to be specified as a serial port.
program the base I/O address for the port (in hex).
- Improved CALQSOW6.DOM and removed a few errors.
- Added ORION PORT for the Orion rotator. Use Control-P to send the
rotator to the country of the station entered in the call window.
- When doing the dupe check in POST, if you find a QSO previously marked
as a dupe which isn't, POST doesn't know how to calculate the proper
QSO points for the contact. There is now a warning message telling
you to go and update the QSO points when this happens.
- Fixed ControlA/ControlB for DVP and DVK. This should make two radio
operation on SSB possible now.
- Made Grid Map update after Alt-E.
- Fixed FM mode display.
Version 6.11 - 10 September 1997
- Fixed scoring for SAC contest if in Scandanavia.
- Made visible dupesheet update with Alt-R to new band/mode.
- Much improved operator interface to dualing CQ mode when it is on.
- Added SEND COMPLETE FOUR LETTER CALL (control-J - default = False).
Makes the } character in a CW message send the whole call when a
four letter call is corrected (instead of just the suffix or prefix).
- Made original logfiles in POST use PLOG###.BAK where ### increments.
This should eliminate cases where people loose their log by repeating
a operation in POST with a bad file.
- Fixed Band map restart not loading in saved band map.
- Fixed spaces in duping sheet file names.
Version 6.10 - 29 August 1997
- Fixed dupesheets for VHF/UHF and WARC bands.
- Showed active radio at power up.
- Made CQ EXCHANGE work with DVK.
- Made callsignn character pressed during Auto-CQ abort CQ in progress.
- Added TAB MODE = NORMAL or CONTROLF (Control-J - default = NORMAL).
When set to CONTROLF, when using the Alt-E editor, the TAB key
will move the start of the next word instead of the next field.
- Added CLEAR DUPE SHEET command for LOGCFG.DAT file. This will only
work when running the file with the Control-V command.
- Increased size of name window by 2 characters.
- Expanded on screen instructions for Control-J command to 2 lines.
- Made Alt-G in Control-J write to specified file. This means you can
make a bunch of changes, save them to a file, and then make those
same changes again just by executing the file with the Control-V
command. This might be handy in the case of multi-operator situations.
- Changed timing when switching radios to give the relay time to
switch to the other radio before asserting CW or PTT signals.
- Fixed problem with messages sometimes not abortin when using two radio
keying and the same port for both radios.
- Added MESSAGE ENABLE (control-J - initially false). When FALSE, all
automatic messages such as QSL MESSAGE and CQ EXCHANGE are disabled.
- Added ability to enter hundreths and tenths of hertz in call window.
- Changed Control-V command to execute additional config file. Use
INSERT key for old function (turning on/off insert mode).
- Fixed NORMAL footswitch mode so CW can be sent.
- Fixed IARU defauly exchanges to use IARU zones, not CQ ones.
- Added function key commands DISABLECW, ENABLECW and CWENABLETOGGLE.
These change the value of CW ENABLE.
- Type DEBUG in call window and hit RETURN to re-enable simulator debug.
Eliminates having to stop the program and retyping TR DEBUG.
- Increased Icom Command Pause default to 300ms and timeout to 500ms.
- Fixed visible dupesheet random formating problem (column mode).
- Fixed last entry of visible dupesheet possibly being out of order.
- Added CONTROL ENTER to foot switch modes (advance QSO with no CW).
- Fixed bug where ControlPageDown doesn't send radio to freq if in S&P
mode and also made it do initial exchange when going into S&P mode.
- Added BANDMAP.BIN - remembers band map when program stop/started.
- Fixed WAIT FOR STRENTH (was still waiting for a keystroke).
- Added START SENDING to FootSwitch Mode - starts sending callwindow.
- Added LOG FREQUENCY ENABLE command (control-J, default = false).
Replaces serial # with frequency (without leading megahertz).
Frequency has a leading decimal point to make it clear it isn't a
QSO number.
- Disabled band map switching to a tuning radio if not two radio mode.
Previously it would do this even if TWO RADIO MODE = FALSE.
- Fixed bug with Radio Two not updating band output port if it was
the inactive radio.
- Added AUTO S&P ENABLE (control-J, default = false) to jump into
search and pounce mode when tuning the radio more than 1 kHz.
- Added FREQUENCY MEMORY command. Used to tell the program the
defaults to use when QSYing to a specific band/mode. Simply
tell it the frequency and the program will figure out the proper
band/mode for it. If you are trying to set a SSB frequency that
is considered the CW band, put SSB before the frequency (i.e.
FREQUENCY MEMORY = SSB 7050). Note that these defaults will be
over-written if you set FREQUENCY MEMORY ENABLE = TRUE.
- Added defaults for 2 meter frequency memory.
- Made FrequencyMemory get saved in RESTART.BIN file.
- Added FREQUENCY MEMORY ENABLE command (control-J, default = TRUE).
This turns on the memory for each band/mode. When you come back
to the band/mode (with either radio), it will go to the previous
- Made frequency memory work - it was disabled.
- Made CQ MENU come up if in SSB (not sure why I made it CW only).
- Fixed frequency display sometimes not showing up when switching
between radios.
- Made zone check against CTY.DAT in POST L M an option.
- Fixed bug where bandmap and visible dupesheet might be written twice.
- Fixed band map opeartion on 10 meters (showed all the bands before).
- Allowed three digits to be entered into call window for QSY.
Version 6.05 - Released 24 June 1997.
- Added DISTANCE MODE (NONE, MILES, KM). Shows distance to station
along with beam heading. Available on Control-J menu - default = NONE.
- More RFI counter measures during Control-J keyboard loop and Auto-CQ
- Fixed Control-J entries not showing up near end of list.
- Added BEEP ENABLE (default = TRUE + Control-J) turns off all beeping.
- Added WAIT FOR STRENGTH (default = TRUE + Control-J). If using the
{ character in a CW message to wait for RST input, it will assume
you pressed a 9 if no key pressed in time.
- Added NL section (VO1/VO2) to ARRL.DOM.
- Fixed some problems with frequency memory for VHF.
- Fixed inability to program FT920 in LOGCFG.DAT file.
- Made initial exhange of grid show beam heading and also user info.
- Added RANDOM CQ MODE (default = FALSE + Control-J). When TRUE, the
program will randomly pick F1 through F4 for you CQ message when
auto CQing (Alt-Q).
- Fixed Pentium II divide by zero problem! The program should now
run on those 266 mhz CPUs.
Version 6.04 - Released 13 June 1997.
- Fixed possible runtime error 200 when showing grid square beam
heading when typing into call or exchange window.
- Disabled DXCC beam headings if ActiveDomesticMult = GridSquare.
- Added FREQUENCY ADDER (Control-J) - Initial value = 0. This can be
used to make your 10 meter radio look like a VHF radio for use with
the bandmap and frequency commands. For six meters, use 22000000.
- If no multipliers in contest, made summary sheet total score equal to
the total QSO points.
- In European DX - mades calls like F/N6TR/P count as portables.
- Made some minor timing changes to the program to reduce RFI on
six meters.
Version 6.03 - Released 8 June 1997
- Added FT920 as radio type - let me know if you have any problems
since I don't have one of these radios available for testing.
- Added transmitter split support for Icom. Use the DASH or Alt-N
command to enter your QSX frequency.
- Added auto beam headings for grid squares. When you type in a
grid square into either the call or exchange windows, the beam
heading will be displayed (make sure MY GRID is set correctly).
This is only enabled if your domestic multiplier is GRID SQUARES.
- Added NO POLL DURING PTT (control-J) - default = False. When TRUE,
the program will not poll the transceiver if the PTT signal coming
from the computer is asserted.
- Fixed missing CarriageReturn for packet spots from networked computer.
- Fixed POST's R L report so it shows all mults.
is the default. If set to MULT FANFARE, then you will hear the
multiplier bell if the call you are checking is a new multiplier.
This only works for DX, Prefix or Zone multipliers.
- Fixed lower case "true" not working with LEADING ZEROS command in LOGCFG.
- Added cut serial number support for RST QSO NUMBER exchange. You can
enter T or O (the letter O) for zero, A for 1, U for 2, E for 5,
and N for 9 when using this exchange.
- Eliminated possibility of long call window message overflowing variables.
This had caused the COMPUTER ID parameter to assume a non null value
for some people.
Version 6.02 - Released 26 May 1997
- When using F1 or F2 to call CQ with (regardless of mode), the program
will remember the frequency you are calling CQ on (requires interfaced
radio). If you go off to work a station on a different frequency
(i.e. by grabbing an entry from the band map), you can now return to
your run frequency using one of two methods:
1. Use the function key command LASTCQFREQ. To enter a function key
command, put a Control-C in the function key message, then the command,
followed by a Control-D. You can enter control characters while using
the Alt-P command by preceding them with a Control-P.
2. Use the external footswitch and set the FOOT SWITCH MODE to LASTCQFREQ.
- TR now uses its own serial port initialization routines. This has at
least two advantages. First, if your BIOS doesn't recognize your
serial port, TR will still try to initialize it. Secondly, TR now
turns on both RTS and DTR signals which is the more "proper" thing
to do. However, if you also assign the serial port as a CW output
port, the signals will be used for CW and PTT instead.
- If you called a station in Search and Pounce by entering his call and
pressing RETURN, the band map entry was not correct until you finished
the QSO. This has been fixed.
- If you started up the program wihtout a LOGCFG.DAT file, some of the
contest selctions would not work correctly. This has been fixed.
- In the last version, I tried to speed up the search and pounce mode
by logging the QSO after the display has been updated. This worked
okay except some of the info on the screen was then one QSO behind.
I went back to logging the QSO and then refreshing the displays.
These allow you to slow down how often the program goes to the radio and
asks for its frequency.
Version 6.01 - Released 12 May 1997
- Added INTERNET SIX contest.
- Enhanced questions at start of program if no LOGCFG.DAT file found.
- Added INTERCOM FILE ENABLE - interstation talk messages to INTERCOM.TXT.
- Added IOPort startup (not in 6.01 manual). This lets you poke/peek IO
ports for debugging purposes.
- Added support for a foot switch to be connected to pin 15 of an LPT
port. Use FOOT SWITCH PORT to tell the program which port is being
used (1, 2, or 3). Use FOOT SWITCH MODE to select what happens when
you press the footswitch:
DISABLED: Nothing happens.
NORMAL: Normal PTT action on the active radio.
QSO NORMAL: Like hitting RETURN to move a QSO to the next step.
SWAP RADIOS: Like pressing Alt-R.
- Fixed POST Q C. Was rewritting NAMES.NEW each time instead of appending.
- Fixed not calling portables by name in SayName (was okay in SayHello).
- Fixed not having access to USER4 and USER5 for updates.
- Cleaned up a lot of the packet stuff.
Version 6.00 - Released 14 April 1997
- Added RST AND CONTINENT exchange for the SOUTH AMERICAN WW contest.
This contest has also been updated with new rules.
- Added TEXAS QSO PARTY. Use MY STATE = TEX before the CONTEST statement
if you are in Texas. TEXAS.DOM gets used if you are outside of Texas,
and TEXASTX.DOM gets used if you are in Texas. Some cleanup of these
files has been done. Also, you will need to count the state of Texas
yourself if you are in Texas.
- Added DVP PATH logcfg command + control J. Use this instead of putting
SET DVPPATH in your AUTOEXEC file. Example: DVP PATH = D:\
- Fixed bug with auto SCP and using AUTO SEND cw. When you press the
letter of the callsign that starts the CW, the SCP display would not
update until you pressed another letter. This is now fixed.
- Fixed not saying hello to portable stations.
- By rearranging some of the procedures used during logging of a
QSO, the display now updates much faster than before. This should
really help those with slow disks or computers.
- When callign station with RETURN in S&P - it is now added to bandmap.
- When in S&P and you change a call in the exchange - the bandmap &
station info now get updated with the new call.
- Fixed display formating problem in Auto CQ if time >= 10 seconds.
- Made CQ entries in band map show up when using DVK.
- Made BROADCAST ALL PACKET DATA not do anything if no network port.
This fixes a very bad bug if you tried to use the packet port without
a network.
- Fixed SLASH MARK CHARACTER -> CHAR from Control-J into LOGCFG.DAT file.
FAQ on WWW: http://www.contesting.com/trlogfaq.html
Submissions: trlog@contesting.com
Administrative requests: trlog-REQUEST@contesting.com
Problems: owner-trlog@contesting.com
Feature Wishlist: http://web.jzap.com/n6tr/trwish.html