[TRLog] Re: kenwood computer interface (fwd)

Gilbert Baron gbaron@sparc.isl.net
Fri, 31 Oct 1997 11:40:04 GMT

That is exactly how I am connected but still have the slow polling. It
is not the same pins at the 870 but same purposes. The 870 has a real
DB9 connector.

>On Thu, 30 Oct 97 19:34:40 PST, you wrote:

>> > ----------------------------------------------------------------------
>> > Computer Interface for the TS-850, without using the IF-232
>> > Level Converter. Mod developed by N6TR and possibly others,
>> > with zener idea added by K6LL.
>> > 
>> >                     470 ohms
>> > DB9 PIN 3 (TXD)>----/\/\/\/\------------<TS850 ACC 1 PIN 3 (RXD)
>> > (DB25 PIN 2)                   |
>> >                                |
>> >                                |
>> >                               ---- 5 VOLT ZENER DIODE
>> >                                /\ 
>> >                               /  \
>> >                                |                                 
>> >                                |
>> > DB9 PIN 5 (GND)>------------------------<TS850 ACC 1 PIN 1 (GND)
>> > (DB25 PIN 7)
>> > 
>> > 
>> > DB9 PIN 2 (RXD)>------------------------<TS850 ACC 1 PIN 2 (TXD)
>> > (DB25 PIN 3)
>> > 
>> >                                    -----<TS850 ACC 1 PIN 4 (CTS)
>> >                                    |
>> >                                    |
>> >                                    |
>> >                                    -----<TS850 ACC 1 PIN 5 (RTS)
>> > 
>> > 
>> > 
>> > 
>> > ---------------------------------------------------------------------

Gil Baron W0MN gbaron@sparc.isl.net http://www.geocities.com/Yosemite/Trails/4168/
Bailar es vivir" pgp2.6 key http://www-swiss.ai.mit.edu/~bal/pks-toplev.html
"Cuatro caminos hay en mi vida. Cual de los cuatro sera el mejor" 
[Posted with Agent 1.5. For info, email agent-info@forteinc.com.]

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