[TRLog] Re: DTA file?

thehalls@ix.netcom.com thehalls@ix.netcom.com
Wed, 10 Sep 1997 21:42:42 -0500 (CDT)

Just a short reminder...

	I tried to do the update utility with the W7GG data file on a 286 and I think the darn thing ran for 12+ hours, then bombed out (V6.10)...So maybe you should update on a fast machine then transfer it to a slower machine. Of course, I'm not real sure that the update part was really needed, duh! 

	73, Eric WD9GGY 

I asked the great linguists and here are their translations on these:
$B!!!!!! 		I didn't get the vanity call I wanted! 
$B!!	      My best friend got my requested vanity call!	
Ryu$B!!!!!!	I had to work him in the contest and give him pts! 

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