[TRLog] AA4NU M/M w/6.24

Billy W. Cox Jr. aa4nu@ix.netcom.com
Sat, 18 Apr 1998 21:54:15 -0400

WOW ... Now's that is true Product SUPPORT !

Thanks Tree !


-----Original Message-----
From: Tree N6TR <n6tr@teleport.com>
To: aa4nu@ix.netcom.com <aa4nu@ix.netcom.com>
Date: Saturday, April 18, 1998 7:57 PM
Subject: Re: [TRLog] AA4NU M/M w/6.24

>> ONLY nit we had was when you change bands, if you don't
>> hit ESCAPE, then the QSO number is WRONG ... the
>> program changes the frequency FB, but the QSO number
>> is still from the previous band ... Example ... you are on
>> 40m and give out QSO # 123 ... QSY to 160m and hear
>> a prefix mult you need ... If you don't hit ESCAPE 1st, then
>> you look at the screen, you'll give out # 124 as the QSO
>> number ... then realize that you are on 160m, and the QSO
>> number should be # 19 ... Mumble under your breath, and
>> hope the station is still there ... and give out the correct Q#.
>> We dealt with it by always remembering to hit ESCAPE
>> when we changed bands ... it's a nit for sure ...
>Fixed for 6.25.

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