[TRLog] Version 6.35
Wed, 2 Dec 1998 12:17:26 -0800 (PST)
Release notes for TR Logging Program - Version 6.35
2 December 1998
Version 6.35 - Released on 2 December 1998
- Fixed a number of crash possibilities in some of POSTs report
- Made TR READ keep computer IDs.
- Allowed for the space character as a computer ID in the POST utility
that pulls out QSOs made by one computer.
Version 6.34 - Released on 20 November 1998
- Added MODEM PORT. This can be used along with the multi port to
allow connection of a second port over a dedicated modem off a
second serial port on a computer. Also, MODEM PORT BAUD RATE.
- Fixed Control-F1 not working for DVP and DVK program. Using Control-F1
to Control-F10 will instantly allow you to re-record DVP or DVK memories
F1 to F1.
- Improved DVK and two radio stuff functionality.
- Changed WPX QSO Point method to give one point for own country
(regardless of band). This complies with the new rules coming
up next year.
Version 6.34 beta - to W6QHS on 17 Nov.
- Added support for sending exchange in two radio mode with DVK.
- Fixed Exchange F1 not being sent when pressing RETURN with call in
call window in search and pounce.
- Changed LOG FILE NAME command to use SetUpFileNames.
- Allowed ControlF1-F10 to also program DVK (not just DVP).
Version 6.33 - Released on 12 November 1998
- Fixed AltD bug - I think.
- Fixed JIDX so you can enter prefectures 41 to 50.
- Implemented MY PREC, MY CHECK and MY SECTION as LOGCFG.DAT commands. If
you define these before your CONTEST statement, your CW messages will be
setup the same way I use them at W5WMU. You will also be prompted for
them if you select the SWEEPSTAKES contest from the contest menu. You
can get to this menu by starting the program in a directory that doesn't
have a LOGCFG.DAT file in it.
- Fixed MY POSTAL CODE not being saved to config file upon start up.
This is used in the ROPOCO contest.
- Eliminated possibility of INSERT window showing up with country name.
Version 6.32 - Released on 30 October 1998.
- Created POST U E C to allow clearing out a data field in TRMASTER file.
- Improve startup of ROPOCO contest and created standard CW messages.
- Added SCP COUNTRY STRING. Here you can list the countries you would like
the Super Check Partial feature to display. If this string is empty, all
countries will be shown. If you enter some country ID prefixes, only
the ones from the countries listed will be displayed.
For Example, for the Sweepstakes, you might enter this:
You can edit this from the control-J menu. The initial value is blank.
- There were some changes to how the Control-J feature stores the
parameter names. This shouldn't be noticed when using it.
- Made IOTA QSO Point method to count 2 points if an IOTA is in my country.
- When editing the band map a second time, the cursor will now go back to
last edit position.
- When accessing an entry on the band map, the QSX and mult flags are still
displayed. These flags would disappear when an entry was selected.
- The band map edit feature was broken when displaying all bands. This is
now fixed.
- Added WAG (Worked All Germany) contest and WAG QSO point method.
- Made random CQs ignore messages that are blank. Normally, messages
from F1 to F4 are used. But now, ones that are blank will not be used.
- Updated CTY.DAT file with latest changes.
- Made ROPOCO test allow space in middle of postal code.
- When using LastName - if the bottom entry in the editable log window
is blank, the program will now skip up to the next line with data in it.
- Made European / Non-Scandinavian QSOs on low bands count 1 point, not 3.
- Added QSO Point scoring for VK/ZL stations in VK/ZL contest.
- Improved LastName to accept all numbers in Sprint.
- Improved contest selection menu to allow you to start entering name.
This is much quicker than using the arrow keys. If you mistype, the
delete key can be used. This same type of feature has also been added
to the Control-J menu for quicker access to the parameters.
- Change TenTen QSO Points to 3 (DX & TenTen), 2 (not DX & TenTen) and
1 (not TenTen).
- Made NAQP process QTH while entering into exchange - even with name.
This fixes a common complaint about not being able to see the multiplier
need status until you press RETURN.
- Fixed Chapter working in initial exchanges.
- Fix for DX entries in Eu Sprint.
Version 6.31 - Released on 7 October, 1998.
- Fixed RST DOMESTIC QTH to do QSO number correctly if > 2 entries.
- Fixed DIG showing up instead of SSB in POST routines.
- Removed old N6TR Duping file generation utility from POST.
- Eliminated possibility of 0460Z as a sunrise/set time.
- Fixed up CALQSOW6.DOM so only one CA.
- Added PADDLE SPEED command (default = 0 & Control-J).
- Added COAX startup option. Helps you determine electrical length of
coax if you have two consecutive low Z frequencies from your SWR meter.
- Made 10 meter QSOs in VK/ZL worth 3 points (was 2 points).
- Made ExchangeMemoryEnable control initial exchanges from editable log.
They were showing up even with EXCHANGE MEMORY ENABLE = FALSE.
- Made MY STATE get used for initial INTERNET SPRINT exchanges (not ORE).
- Fixed garbage contest name in contest selection prompt.
Version 6.30 - Released on September 23, 1998.
- PACC works for PA stations now. Added PACC COUNTRIES AND PREFIXES
as a DX MULTIPLIER type.
- Improved RSTAndDomesticOrDXQTH exchange to take its que from
- Made QTH STAMP print country if no DX mults to deal with.
(2 ssb, 1 CW and 10 for W0EF).
- Added WORLD WIDE LOCATOR (WWL) contest. Added RST AND GRID exchange.
Added WWL QSO POINT method.
- Enhanced sprint exchange parser. Allowed xxx yyy zzz # name QTH and
also multiple number entries at end (uses last one).
- Added asking for name/qth when starting sprint up.
Default is TRUE and they are available on Control-J. When FALSE,
the radio information obtained via the serial interface is not
used to change band/mode of the program.
- Fixed Alt-F function keys not sending message in CQ mode.
- Fixed initial exchange when using tail end key.
- Fixed POST R L to do any band/mode. Same for POST L C.
- Fixed USER 4 and USER 5 not working for USER INFO.
- Added AN as legal prefix for IOTA designator.
- Made summary sheet work for REGION 1 FIELD DAY.
- Eliminated crash if hit Shift-Tab during middle of CQ QSO.
- Fixed SendCW start up command.
- Allow 57600 baud for radio interface. This is an experiment to see
if it will work with the TS-570.
- Fixed FT840 support (was broken by adding the 847 in 6.29).
- Added SAC back to contest list. BTW, there are now 59 contests!
- Forgot to mention that the Yaesu FT847 was supported, starting in
version 6.28.
Version 6.29 - 24 July 1998
- Added MY IOTA - needs to be set to make QSO points work.
- Fixed QSO points for IOTA for working own island.
- Fixed ROPOCO QSO POINT Method.
- Fixed 80 characater limiation to ARRL Log format.
- Added CQ VHF back to contest prompt list.
- Moved YT from NW to YU in P12.DOM.
- Added summary sheet for ROPOCO contest.
Version 6.28 - 5 July 1998
- When using the TRMASTER update from a log (POST U E F F), the procedure
would hang if a callsign was found with a lower case character.
- Made Digital mode and radio interfaces work together.
- Added ARRL FD QSO point method. 1 for SSB, 2 for CW, zero for D to D.
Use MY FD CLASS to indicated your FD class (i.e., 1D).
- Added ROPOCO contest (UK Rotating Postal Code). Added MY POSTAL CODE
which is used in the ROPOCO contest as the first postal code sent.
Added RST AND POSTAL CODE exchange type. Also added TEN POINTS PER QSO
- Made POST's L C command process WARC and VHF/UHF logs (would only do
the standard six HF bands before).
- Improved Icom interface to handle Transceive mode input.
- Fixed bug with dupesheets not being done for all bands.
- Added PORTTOFILE start up command. Takes input from a serial port and
saves it in a file.
- Added IOTADomestic multiplier type. This doesn't use a .DOM file,
but it does look at the syntax of your IOTA designator and makes
sure it is in the correct format. For example, if you enter EU5,
the program will convert it to EU005. If you enter something that
doesn't look at all like an IOTA number, it will not let you log it.
- Made the time display get updated when sending from keyboard.
- Fixed up the QSO points in the Region One Field Day for OZ and the U.K.
- Fixed bug with super check partial not working all the time.
- You can now move the grid map sideways without having to adjust the
GRID MAP CENTER parameter. The Control-Left and Control-Right keys
will move it left or right. Sorry to say that the keyboard doesn't
generate a keystroke when Control-Up or Control-Down is pressed.
- Made date work back to 1900 (was 1988). TR is now year 1900 compliant!
Version 6.27 - 11 June 1998
- Added MULTI PORT BAUD RATE command. Default and max value = 4800.
- If you are using a radio different than a Kenwood and have SHIFT KEY
ENABLE = TRUE, the shift keys will always move the VFO frequency
instead of doing nothing in the CQ mode (which is when the Kenwood's
RIT is adjusted).
- Added BAND MAP ALL BANDS (contro-J, default = False). Lets you configure
the band map to show you all spots, not just the ones for the band you
are on.
- Fixed bug with callsigns sometimes disappearing when pressing SPACE BAR.
- Made Region One Field Day in UK count double QSO points for 160 & 10.
- Fixed problems with lower case in grid squares.
- Made TR READ not make dates in upper case.
- Fixed possible dupes in partial call list.
- Added LOGLASTCALL CW function key command. Allows you to log the last
station you worked. This can be combined with the BANDUP or BANDDOWN
commands to log QSOs on different bands quickly.
- Fixed display of prefixes during get zone routine.
- Fixed bug with > 6 character calls not working with partial calls.
- Fixed bug with beeping computers when calling CQ and network.
Version 6.26 - 24 May 1998
- Fixed packet spots not being passed around network.
- Enhanced ARRL log format to allow you to enter sent information.
Version 6.25 - 5 May 1998
- Attempted to make POST run on 300 MHz Pentium-II.
- Updated CTY.DAT file.
- The menu of contests that comes up if you start without a LOGCFG.DAT
file now allows you to use the arrow keys to select the contest you
- Added WARC bands to POST's continent report.
- Added RUSSIAN DX contest and RUSSIAN DX to QSO point methods.
- Eliminated QRP adder for JA INTERNATIONAL DX test.
- Added DIGITAL MODE ENABLE (Control-J - default = False).
- New ARRL Field Day rules implemented.
- Improved POST L M (multiplier check) for Helvetia contest.
- Change RSTQSONumberAndPossibleDomesticQTH to ignore a QTH entry for DX.
This fixes TR READ for the Helvetia contest.
- Added PACKETFILE startup command. This allows you to take a file and
have it processed as if it was text being received from a TNC.
- For Region 1 FD, made any "unknown" country act like DL 2/3 4/6. This
means it works for the UK now.
- Bugs fixed:
- Super check partial bug - if you typed JA1, then delete three times,
then JA1, no partial calls would be displayed.
- If you did Alt-D for a dupecheck, the band map wasn't updated properly.
- Fixed POST crash during mult check.
- Fixed QSO number not updating when QSO NUMBER BY BAND and band change.
- Fixed multi network communication bug resulting in crashes in high
error environments.
- Fixed ZoneMode for JA INTERNATIONAL DX (uses CQ zones, not ITU).
- Fixed clean up of country name and insert windows if dupe checked.
- Fixed crash of ControlJ if use PageDown at end of list.
- Fixed tuning (shift/control keys) bug due to uninitialized CWBuffer.
Version 6.24 released on 23 March 1998.
- Fixed distance error introduced in 6.23 (larges distances were negative).
- Fixed total score always being zero.
- Fixed the beam heading window format problem.
Version 6.23 released on 21 March 1988
- Made the ? character work during tail end process. Also improved
support of QUESTION MARK CHARACTER during tail end and start sending.
- Memory consumption reduced by 32K from version 6.22. We believe
performance has only been sacrificed at non critical times. Also,
if you don't send any CW with the program, you gain an addition 3K.
- Added new feature to flag callsigns in the bandmap that are either
country, prefix or zone multipliers. Note that the status is marked
when the callsign is added to the band map - or updated after you
work that station. The QSO is flagged with a happy face.
- A number of numeric overflows were detected and fixed. These were
a result of saving some memory and allowing me to enable range
checking. Normally, these would have just given bogus results, but
are now "fixed" so they won't happen. A good example is checking the
beam heading for an unknown country. Other examples include reading
in a LOG.DAT file with bogus data.
- If you use the DEBUG option (so the simulator works itself) and have
the CW TONE = 0, the program will now run much faster. No CW messages
will be sent. You should see rates around 4,000 per hour. Also, the
band will change from time to time to beter simulate actual activity.
- The TRMASTER database had some problems when it didn't have enough
memory to continue. When your free memory got down below 5K, the
TRMASTER feature (Super Check Partial) feature was supposed to turn
itself off. Well, it partially did, but part of it (the possible call
routine) kept running. This created some real problems as the program
tried to read pieces of the TRMASTER.DTA file that were not there.
This has all been cleaned up and the TRMASTER feature totally disables
itself when memory gets low.
- Some work has also been done when you run out of memory again - after
the TRMASTER.DTA file has been disabled. A few rough edges have been
sorted out and the program should behave well when running out of
memory. In fact, you should be able to continue working people
forever. They just won't be added to the dupesheet or partial call
& initial exchange memory.
- When sending or receiving a QTC for the WAE contest, the function key
messages are now disabled. This was necessary during one of the
exercises to decrease memory use.
- Fixed bug where FreeMemory display didn't update with ESCAPE in SSB mode.
- Some delays had been added to the TR READ feature to do some testing
in the previous version. These should have been removed before 6.22
was released, but I forgot. They are now gone.
- Fixed bug with not reading in QSO points correctly from LOG.DAT file.
Version 6.22 released on 6 March 1998
- Fixed band changes this hour for multi network.
- No overwrite of ? characters in INSERT mode.
- Cursor always goes to ? when moving to call window, even if INSERT mode.
- Added FINDFILE start up command - shows which directory TR will file the
specific file you type in (i.e., TR FINDFILE TRMASTER.DTA is interesting).
- Added HELP start up command. Shows all the commands for reference.
- Allowed ESCAPE to exit you from blank packet edit entry.
- Increased stored size of prefixes that appear CTY.DAT to 7 characters.
Fixes problem with SM1TDE matching SM1TDE/4U.
- Fixed flaky DVP init bug. Sometimes when starting TR, it wouldn't
get the proper shared memory address from the DVP.
- Made ` (packet spot) use last QSO's call if the CALL WINDOW is blank.
- Fixed bug with wrong CW Speed being used for Control-A prefixed CW
messages (sent on inactive radio).
- Fixed bug with distances in European DX contest. This was a new bug
in version 6.21. A new routine was added that had better accuracy,
but it wasn't protected from the lower case characters.
- Allowed DownArrow to be used to enter exchange before call in CQ MODE.
When you UpArrow back into the call window, you can then type the call,
press RETURN and the station's call and CQ EXCHANGE will be sent.
- Fixed memory dump of TRMASTER. While it appeared that the memory
was freed up (based upon the free memory displayed), the feature
kept working.
- Changed to S48P13DC.DOM for CQ 160. Counts DC mult now.
- Fixed bug with / stations not being called by name.
- Allowed editable window changes to affect initial exchange and
possible calls.
- Initial exchanges are now loaded from LOG.DAT files if the parameter
Version 6.21 released on 16 February 1998
- Added BAND CHANGES as a legal value for HOUR DISPLAY. This can be
used to count how many band changes have been made in each hour.
- If you started the program without a LOGCFG.DAT file and set up the
ARRL DX contest, the remaining multiplier display might be in the
wrong mode until you exited the program and restarted. This is now
fixed so the proper remaining display comes up at the start.
- Made PACC QSOByMode = FALSE and MultByMode = FALSE.
- Improved sprint parser to handle 4 or 5 entries. You can now enter
the following exchanges in addtion to the old ones.
NAME QTH # NAME QTH (uses the second name and QTH)
# NAME QTH # (uses the second number)
NAME # NAME QTH (uses the second name)
QTH # NAME QTH (uses the second QTH)
NAME QTH # NAME (uses second name)
You can still put a callsign in any of the above if you have
UPDATE CALLSIGN ENABLE = TRUE and it will remove the call before
processing the rest of the exchange.
- Added sunrise/sunset times. They show up with the beam heading display
when enabled with the MY GRID command. Made Sunrise/Sunset use MyGrid
for the QTH if the the call in the call window = MyCall. This allows
you to know your own sunrise/sunset time.
- Changed default background color for beam heading window to white.
Also, extended the beam heading window to the left 10 spaces to make
room for sunrise/sunset times.
Works similar to the COMPUTER ID, except the letter shows which radio
was used. Do not use this and the COMPUTER ID feature at the same
- Fixed problem with improper QTH showing up in some cases during the
the sprints and NAQP. This typically happened in when switching
from S&P to CQ mode and working a DX station.
- Fixed JST as a radio type for radio two. We have a report that the
program doesn't work with the JST145. Investigation in process.
- Fixed bug with Alt-D QSO leaving cursor in call window when pressing
the space bar.
- Made Alt-D work on SSB even if the DVP is not enabled.
- Tried to make the program less memory hungry. It uses about 5K less
than the previous version.
- Went to more accurate distance calculator. Now matches some of the
popular programs in Europe.
- Fixed BROADCAST ALL PACKET DATA not supported in LOGCFG.
- Made Packet Window and Control-J timeouts only work when using multi
Version 6.20 released on 5 January 1998
- Fixed callsign you answered in CQ mode not being sent.
- Added COUNTRY INFORMATION FILE parameter (control-J). This allows you
to name a file that has information for different countries in it. This
information will be displayed in the editable log window at the same
time you are shown other information for that country (i.e., mult status
or beam heading).
The file would have the country ID (use the one shown in the CTY.DAT
file) by itself on a line, then up to five lines of data afterwards.
A blank line indicates that there is no more data for that country.
There is no limit on the file size.
For example:
This will be displayed when working a station in Japan.
So will this.
This will be displayed when working a station in Korea.
- Removed beep when sending radio information to other stations on multi
network. This was put in during testing and I forgot to remove it.
- Made ESCAPE in CQ MODE with no entry in call window repaint editable log.
This means you can recover from having something else in the editable
log window like the country information or multi messages.
- Added ControlHome to view last five multi talk messages.
- Made multi message aborted with ESCAPE key not get sent.
Version 6.19 released on 4 January 1998
- When using the multi network, the program can now update the remaining
multiplier display without doing anything. Before, this was disabled
as it took a long time on some of the slower computers. The new
parameter is MULTI UPDATE MULT DISPLAY and the defaul is TRUE. You
can change it with Control-J. When it is FALSE, the remaining multiplier
display isn't updated until another QSO is made, or a band/mode change
is executed.
- There is now a 20 second timeout when using the multi network and you
leave the computer in a mode that doesn't allow it to process network
traffice (i.e., packet window, keyboard CW or view log).
- Added new footswitch mode to act like the F1 key (FOOT SWITCH MODE = F1).
This works for both CQ and S&P modes.
- A check has been added when using CQ zones and the RST ZONE exchange to
make sure the zone you have entered isn't over 40.
- Some changes have been made to make the super check partial feature
more responsive on slower computers.
- Made POST's R Q case sensitive. Before, PA and Pa would be counted
as the same multiplier.
- Allowed DUPECHECK or DUPE CHECK for footswitch mode. It was one way
on the control-J menu and the other in the manual. Either one will
work now.
- When selecting a spot from the bandmap, you will now be left in a
state so you can call the station with a RETURN. Before, the initial
exchange had already been filled in and pressing RETURN would try to
log the QSO. Also, if you try to select a spot while in the middle
of a CQ mode QSO, the program will ask you to either log or abort the
QSO first.
- Fixed dualing CQs on CW. A bug was introduced where the radio that
had the CQ stopped on it might be left key down. This was a problem
only if using different ports for your CW (as opposed to using a
single port and a relay).
- Added CROATIAN contest and CROATIAN QSO point method.
- Added TEN MINUTE RULE (NONE, TIME OF FIRST QSO). This is intended to
show you how long it has been since you made your first QSO on whatever
band you are on.
- Fixed FT1000MP again. Beta tested this time and guaranteed!
- Added SKIP ACTIVE BAND (Control-J - false). When TRUE, doesn't allow
you to move your active radio to the same band as your inactive radio
when using the Alt-B or Alt-V commands.
- Added SPEED command to Function Key Message. Needs the Control-C at
the start of the command and Control-D at the end. Either put a
numeric speed (1 to 99 WPM), or any number of + or - characters to
make relative adjustments.
- Allowed W M and R in "power" for ARCI contest (used for decimal power
or milliwatts). The W is required to indicate that the entry is not
an ARCI member number.
- Improvements to DVK operation:
o Escape will abort any message (not just F1).
o DVK0 now works in message (was broken).
Version 6.18 released on 6 December 1997
- Enhancements to ARCI contest. Added RST POSSIBLE DOMESTIC QTH AND
POWER exchange. The power gets used for ARCI numbers as well, but
put a W after power levels sent by non members. The W will be logged.
Added ARCI QSO POINT METHOD for ARCI. If a no W found in the "power",
the full 5 points will be scored. If a W is found, you get 2 points
for the same continent, or 4 points for DX.
- Switched mode and frequency for MP back the way it was (freq then mode).
- Prevented possible crash if packet frequency > 2,147 MHz.
Version 6.17 released 23 November 1997.
- Reversed the order of sending the mode and frequency to the FT1000,
FT920 and FT1000MP. This means your mode will be set before setting
the frequency. Under some radio configurations, this could result
in an error equal to the CW offset.
- Fixed Dualing CQ process on SSB when using the DVP. Also, some minor
clean up of DVP sequencing when using two radio mode. Pressing F1
to resend your callsign while a dummy CQ is in progress works quicker.
- In the S&P mode, if you use F2 to resend your exchange just after
logging a QSO, it will send the SEARCH AND POUNCE exchange even if
you have a REPEAT SEARCH AND POUNCE exchange programmed. Furthurmore,
it would set the "ExchangeHasBeenSent" flag so that when you make
your next S&P QSO, it will send the REPEAT S&P EXCHANGE. This has
now been changed so that if you press F2 with no call window or
exchange window entry, the REPEAT S&P exchange is sent and the
ExchangeHasBeenSent flag is not set. If you don't have a REPEAT S&P
exchange programmed, you won't notice this as the S&P exchange gets
sent all of the time.
- The CONTEST NAME is now part of the RESTART.BIN header. This means
if you change the contest you are operating in your LOGCFG.DAT file,
the program won't try to use the RESTART.BIN file that might already
be in the directory. This eliminates any possible problems with
incorrect configurations which could cause strange behavior (i.e.,
missing remaining multiplier info).
- Some people have seen a negative number appear in some log entries
when displaying frequency. Two changes have been made here. First,
a band-aid has been added so that if for any reason a negative
result appears for the frequency, it will be set to zero. This
happens with we don't get frequency data from the radio and then
subtract out the megahertz. Secondly, an improvement has been made
in how I filter the frequency data in an attempt to use the previous
non-zero frequency when I come up with zero.
This list stops at the version covered by the latest release of
the manual. You can view previous release notes on the web at
FAQ on WWW: http://www.contesting.com/trlogfaq.html
Submissions: trlog@contesting.com
Administrative requests: trlog-REQUEST@contesting.com
Problems: owner-trlog@contesting.com
Feature Wishlist: http://web.jzap.com/n6tr/trwish.html