[TRLog] TR version 6.29 & IOTA scoring

Mark G4AXX (Mark Marsden) MM@plextek.co.uk
Mon, 27 Jul 1998 16:18:28 +0100

We've just finished the IOTA contest using version 6.29 
released a few hours before the contest.

Tree, WELL DONE and THANK YOU for such superb support
and fast response!

As Jan Fisher has pointed out there are islands with unique IOTA
references around countries that are of the (mainland) country and 
these only score 2 points. (e.g., Scilly Isles are EU011 but still G)

The MYIOTA change in version 6.29 is a step in the right 
direction. It is partly correct but isn't enough.

I agree that paragraph 7(a) of the RSGB rules for 1998 is self
contradictory and if I read the spirit of the rule right it should
be changed to ......

 " Each contact with an IOTA island counts 15 points, except
   contacts with the entrants own country or own IOTA reference
   which counts 2 points. Other contacts count 5 points"

If this is right then the logic needs to run something like this.....

IF received IOTA = MY IOTA THEN score = 2

   ELSE IF received IOTA is not = MY IOTA AND received

     ELSE IF no received IOTA AND received COUNTRY 
     = MY COUNTRY THEN score = 2

       ELSE IF no received IOTA AND received COUNTRY
       is not = MY COUNTRY THEN score = 5

         ELSE IF received IOTA is not = MY IOTA and received 
         COUNTRY is not = MY COUNTRY THEN score = 15

I think this works for everyone.

73 de Mark (G4AXX, Granta Contest Group)


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