Bob Wruble ai7b@teleport.com
Thu, 4 Jun 1998 17:59:31 -0700

this will happen if u switch to wwv on one of your interfaced radios

de w7gg

-----Original Message-----
From: Tree N6TR <n6tr@teleport.com>
To: trlog@contesting.com <trlog@contesting.com>
Date: Tuesday, June 02, 1998 4:43 PM
Subject: [TRLog] NONSSB

>I am curious about the NONSSB sightings.  The only way I can think 
>of this happening is with an interfaced radio showing a frequency 
>out of band, or if you enter a frequency manually in the call window
>that is also out of band.
>FAQ on WWW:               http://www.contesting.com/trlogfaq.html
>Submissions:              trlog@contesting.com
>Administrative requests:  trlog-REQUEST@contesting.com
>Problems:                 owner-trlog@contesting.com
>Feature Wishlist:   http://web.jzap.com/n6tr/trwish.html

FAQ on WWW:               http://www.contesting.com/trlogfaq.html
Submissions:              trlog@contesting.com
Administrative requests:  trlog-REQUEST@contesting.com
Problems:                 owner-trlog@contesting.com
Feature Wishlist:	  http://web.jzap.com/n6tr/trwish.html