[TRLog] W6ISO: Field Day log

george fremin iii geoiii@kkn.net
Thu, 11 Jun 1998 12:13:11 -0500 (CDT)

H J KOHLMOOS writes:

>I have run it in simulator and non simulator modes in both CW and SSB.  I
>also ran the reports and summary sheet.  2 point credit was not given to
>the CW contacts.  All contacts, CW and SSB, were credited one point each.
> I haven't checked digital scoring.

This is the way it is set up - since the scoring for FD changes
depending on how much power your are running.  Also for FD you 
do not send logs to the ARRL - you just send dupesheets and 
a summary sheet that lists all of your QSOs and bouns points. 
It was decided that instead of trying to set up all the scoring
and bouns points and such for all the diffrent classes that this 
was something the user could do after FD when filling out the 
summary sheet.  By doing this we avoid things like when these 
rules changes as some of them did this year. 

>Nothing I see in the Ctrl J set up allows me to adjust points.

In the full release you can adjust such things ans QSO points 
by mode and such.

>How do I correct that?  Other than with and editor that is.

Since the ARRL does not want logs for FD you dont have to worry
about what is in the log as far as points goes.



George Fremin III          "I'm talkin' 'bout that outlaw X
Austin, Texas                It's cuttin' through the air.... "
K5TR (ex.WB5VZL)              
512/416-7010                          -- "Heard it on the X"
geoiii@kkn.net                               -- ZZ Top

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