[TRLog] Sorry - it will never happen again!

SM3CER sm3cer@contesting.com
Sat, 13 Jun 1998 14:58:01 -0700

Hello again fellow contesters,

A while ago I sent a message through the different reflectors 

concerning the TOEC WW Grid Contest this weekend. I got one 

sarcastic e-mail from a ham on one of the software reflectors 

telling me not to spread such messages on CONTEST software 


I'm very sorry if I made a mistake!
It will never happen again, I promise!

However I thought this information was very near related to the 

reflector. I thought the contesters on the reflectors were 

interested in contest related matters - much more than the spam 

e-mails you can see every now and then about "adult material" and 

other things not related at all to amateur radio and/or contesting 

coming via the different reflectors. I would rather react on those 


The TOEC WW Grid Contest is not ment to be "some lame, small
time insignificant contest in some remote spot of the world" as 

described in the received e-mail - it's a world wide contest 

sponsored by the biggest contest club in Sweden. And Sweden is 

"some remote spot of the world" where I live and I'm also a 

committee member of TOEC - Top Of Europe Contesters, sponsoring 

this contest. If you were involved in such a club matter I think 

you also would take any chance to spread the word about the event. 

And even if all other places outside my own country are "remote 

spots of the world" I don't write sarcastic e-mails to the hams 

living there... :-)

I´m again sorry that I took your time and the reflector band 

width. But - when I see messages I'm not at all interested in I 

use to mark the message and hit the delete button. It's not more 

to it... The extra second and the cost it took to get the message 

doesn't bother me :-)

I like to work contests - from the biggest to the smallest - 

single op. or in a big multi op. I will not be angry if someone 

tells me about a contest going on in Sweden, Upper Volta or in a 

state of USA, sponsored by a local contest club and I will not 

write malicious e-mails because I don't like that specific 

contest. And I don't care if I get the information via a personal 

e-mail, "snail mail", any reflector at all or a magazine.

Sorry again for the band width spreading this message...
Case closed - no flames please!

Hope to work you all in the contests in the future.
With wishes for a very nice summer!

73 de Jan

SM3CER - Jan-Eric Rehn
SSA Contest Manager - SWEDEN
SK3BG Webmaster
K6U at WRTC-96

E-mail: sm3cer@contesting.com
   ICQ: 11074897
   URL: http://www.sk3bg.se  (SK3BG - Sundsvall Radio Amateurs)
   URL: http://www.sk3bg.se/contest    (SM3CER Contest Service)
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