[TRLog] date error - PC or TR Log

Tree N6TR n6tr@teleport.com
Mon, 22 Jun 1998 15:01:28 -0700 (PDT)

> I've just been processing a stack of incoming bureau cards, and have
> discovered that somehow all of my second day QSOs from the 1998 ARRL CW DX
> Test are misdated, as if they occurred on the first day.  The QSOs are all
> in the right sequence, but it's as if the date failed to roll over from day
> 1 (2/21) to day 2 (2/22).
> Since this date is obtained from DOS, I assume that the error was there.  I
> was running DOS 6.22 at the time.  Has anyone ever heard of a circumstance
> where the date fails to roll over at 0000?
> Now all I have to do is persuade the ARRL that it's a harmless error and
> change the dates on my 700 or so second day QSOs, which have already been
> imported into DX4WIN  ;^{

I have heard of this same failure before.  Seems to me it was with
someone's laptop or something.  Very strange and I never could figure
out why it was happening.


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