[TRLog] Trmaster and Cty Files

Tree N6TR n6tr@teleport.com
Fri, 6 Mar 1998 08:31:18 -0800 (PST)

> If you get an answer, please let us all know. This is probably the one
> usability problem with TR that I can think of and it is very confusing
> and hard to keep up with. It should IMHO be part of the program to
> handle this in some way. 
> I suppose it would be a lot of coding and perhaps would require a higher
> price, who knows?

There is no need to deal with different country files for the 
different contests.  TR uses only the CTY.DAT file, which is
in the CT9 format, and works for all contests - ARRL and CQ.

The old ARRL.CTY file is obsolete except for older versions
of TR and CT.


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