[TRLog] 6.22 in ARRL DX...

Ronald D Rossi rrossi@btv.ibm.com
Tue, 10 Mar 1998 16:33:29 -0500

I noticed a side effect from the wonderful exchange update feature Tree 
introduced...when the log.dat was scanned for possible worked befores it came 
up with multiple choices for the same call. I also saw wierd things like 
"BREAK/STARTED". Now of course I just tried this now to see if I could give 
some better examples from other than just my memory, but I works okay now that 
TR reads in the log.dat file rather than restart.bin.

I don't know what happened to make it go goofy like that, but it certainly did 
not cause me any trouble with the log. The program continued to dupe and log 
just fine, I just saw some odd suggested already worked callsigns.

73 de KK1L...ron (rrossi@btv.ibm.com) <><
QTH: Swanton, Vermont
My page: http://www.together.net/~larossi/kk1l.html
My wife's page: http://www.together.net/~larossi

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