[TRLog] Updates - Help wanted

Pete Smith n4zr@contesting.com
Tue, 24 Mar 1998 21:05:22

At 02:26 PM 3/24/98 -0600, george fremin iii wrote:
>Hannu Saila writes:
>>I have got two last versions of TR-log (Europe). Both of them have proved to
>>be useless. There might be some trouble with my own computer/internet
>>-system. But who knows what should I do.
>>I think the program should come as an attachment (*.ZIP) Howeve I do get it
>>in the body of the message and it is splitted in 12 different pieces and of
>>course the contents is pure garbage (or is it?).  
>It is not garbage. The email you got contained the ZIPfile that 
>had been UUENCODED.  We use this method of encoding - as opposed
>to the MIME encoding that your Eudora mail program uses for
>attachments because UUENCODING has been the "normal" way of 
>encoding binary files for transmission via email for a long time.
>The free versions of Eudora do not support UUENCODING. Also it
>is Eudora that splits the file into 12 pieces. 

Actually, life is a little simpler than that.  On my Win 3.1 machine,
Eudora Light does indeed save these messages in 12 pieces, but you can use
the SAVE AS command to recombine them as one decodable file.  On my Win 95
machine, the same Eudora Light version receives it as one humongous
message, but you can still do a SAVE AS.  You can then use either WINZIP or
any one of a number of public domain uudecoders to extract the program files.

73, Pete Smith N4ZR

"That's WEST Virginia.  Thanks and 73"

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