[TRLog] IARU Region One Fieldday

PA3GFH jvdijk@xs4all.nl
Sun, 10 May 1998 09:40:59 +0100

Can someone please tell me how to tell TR (the prg) to count multpliers
in the 
Region One Fieldday? It now does count the QSO points ok (2/4 & 3/6),
but it does not count DXCC countries + WAE (eg TA1, JW/sw, JW/bear, IT9

POINTS:      QSOs with European fixed stations count 2 points,
             non-european 3 points. QSOs with portable stations in 
             Europe count 4 points, in DX 6 points.
MULTIPLIERS: Each DXCC- and WAE country counts 1 multiplier per band.
FINAL SCORE: Total QSO-points times total multipliers.


73 Jaap, PA3GFH.

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