[TRLog] More domestic matters

Juhan Poldvere juhan@chem.ut.ee
Fri, 15 May 1998 11:27:41 +0300 (EET)

> RST DOMESTIC QTH OR QSO NUMBER looks first to see if the call is in
> a domestic country.  If not, then is behaves just like RST QSO NUMBER.
> > Somehow, 
> > with the domestic countries of (I,IT,IS) or (UA,UA2,UA9,R1FJ,R1MV,R1AN),
> > the first requires a domestic QTH from YL3IZ/MM, the second accepts a QSO nr.
> That makes sense based upon the descriptions above.

But when the program first looks, why would it see that YL3IZ/MM is in a
domestic country? Because it is not in a non-domestic country being at sea?
Not X non = yep?
Juhan Poldvere, ES5QX                            ! Internet : juhan@chem.ut.ee
University of Tartu, Dept. of Chemistry          ! voice    : +(372)7-465256
2 Jakobi St, Tartu EE2400, Estonia via Stockholm ! fax      : +(372)7-465264

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