[TRLog] DXTelnet and TRLog

Lee Hiers, AA4GA aa4ga@contesting.com
Wed, 20 May 1998 16:51:47 +0000

On 19 May 98, Tony and Celia Becker wrote:

> For the upcoming WPX CW we are planning to use the DXTelnet program from
> IK4VYX running on a laptop to get packet spots from the Internet instead of
> a TNC.  Any information or advice from others who have succeeded with this
> combination would be greatly appreciated.


I have used DXTELNET with TR with no problems.  I am running it on a 
desktop and using the Aux Com Port feature to send the filtered spots 
out to a TNC & 2m rig which is connected to the contest station 20 
miles away.  On the contest side, we just hook up a TNC to a com port 
and configure TR to talk to the TNC.  Spots just keep on comin' - 
usually the system stays up all weekend...much more reliable than the 
operators!  Any problems we've had have had more to do with my ISP 
or the clusters themselves rather than the DXTELNET.

If you're going to use it locally, I think all you need to do is run 
a  null modem between the Aux Com Port on the laptop and the logging 
computer, skipping the TNC/VHF link.  

I believe you can also run DXTELNET on the same computer as TR, but I 
don't run TR from Windows, so haven't tried it yet.  When I want to 
run TR with Internet spots from home, I just talk to my phone modem 
thru TR and dial up a shell account and telnet in.  It works fine, 
but without all the niceties of DXTELNET (filtering, duplicate spot 
elimination, auto-reconnect, etc.). 

Contact me directly if you've got a specific questions/problems, and 
I'll try to help if I can.

73 de Lee

Lee Hiers - AA4GA
Cornelia, GA

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