[TRLog] CW Sendin' since 6.23

Lee Hiers, AA4GA aa4ga@contesting.com
Sat, 30 May 1998 00:49:59 +0000

So, I decide to play around with the WPX a little bit.  I unzip
ALL624.ZIP (latest version I have on my radio computer).  I go get my
nifty TR interface box that's been disconnected since I operated the
DX Contest back in February...been using my keyer for the little bit
I've been on lately.  

Yes, I'm rusty, and no, I've never sent all that well anyway, but 
gee-whiz...I can't send at all with TR.  I plug the paddle back in my 
keyer and everything's OK.  Hmmm.  I reconfigure the program from 
LPT2 to LPT1 for the paddle/CW.  No difference.  Then, I remembered 
this release note:

On  8 May 98, Tree  N6TR wrote:

>           Release notes for TR Logging Program - Version 6.25
>                                9 May 1998


> Version 6.23 released on 21 March 1988


>  - Memory consumption reduced by 32K from version 6.22.  We believe
>    performance has only been sacrificed at non critical times.  Also,
>    if you don't send any CW with the program, you gain an addition 3K.

I unzip 6.22 and it sends fine.  So I try 6.23 and it sends like 
6.24.  Dang!

Anybody else having any problems sending with the paddles after the 
6.23 release?  I haven't tried 6.25 or 6.26 yet, but didn't see this 
addressed in the release notes for those versions.  

The problem manifests itself as a delay in sending from paddle input 
to CW output.  I just plain can't send with this timing.  

What Say?

73 de Lee

Lee Hiers, AA4GA
Contest Preservation Society, NT4DX

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