[TRLog] Next release

Lee Hiers, AA4GA aa4ga@contesting.com
Mon, 2 Nov 1998 16:43:37 +0000

On  1 Nov 98, Scott Lieberman wrote:

> >Instead of having LOGCFG.DAT, there will be a file called something
> >like ARRL_SS.CFG.  Along with that file, there will be ARRL_SS.LOG,
> >ARRL_SS.TMP and ARRL_SS.RST.  The .RST file replaces the old RESTART.BIN
> >file.  There is a unique file prefix for each contest.
> >
> >This means ALL of your files can be located in one directory.
> Tree:
> So after you operate the 1998 SS CW contest, you have to remember to rename
> arrl_ss.log  to sscw98.log  or something like that so you don't confuse it
> with all your old sscw logs?  Am I missing something here?
> With the current system, at the end of the contest I already have a
> directory named  sscw98, with the log and config files in it.  So, if I
> want to call up an old log, I already have that year's config file in the
> same directory.  I am sure a lot of you slightly modify your config file
> from year to year for each contest,  and this change would make it a little
> harder to associate each config file with each log.

I agree with Scott on this.  I like the current setup.

I just have a separate subdirectory for each contest.  At the end of 
the year I copy all those subs to another sub "1998LOGS" or whatever 
for archiving.

If the program crashes during the contest, all I have to do is be 
sure I'm in the proper subdirectory and type "TR".  No need to 
select a contest from a menu or anything.  Sometimes for multiops I 
just set up a .BAT file to even handle switching to the right 
directory.  Just type "GOTR" and wham, you're in the program logging 
the correct contest.

What are the advantages of keeping all the logs and LOGCFGs in the 
same directory?  That just seems so, CT-like!  ;-)

73 de Lee

Lee Hiers - AA4GA
Cornelia, GA

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