[TRLog] directory structures

David Jones kk7gw@hotmail.com
Mon, 02 Nov 1998 11:02:29 PST

>c:\log  --  nothing but TR executables, help files, and ROMASTER.DTA
>            (my own TRMASTER.DTA made from my own contest QSOs only.)
>c:\contest             --   root level contest data directory
>c:\contest\1998        --   a subdirectory for each year...
>c:\contest\1998\sscw98  --  and a subdirectory for each contest...
>c:\contest\1998\sscw98\logcfg.dat    ...
>.  (individual files for that contest...)
>c:\contest\1998\sscw98\restart.bin      ...

This is basically the scheme I use, and I've found it to work extremely 
well.  I have the C:\log, with all the TR files, .dom files, .dta's, and 
all that stuff, then C:\log\general for my general day-to-day QSO's, 
c:\log\contests\(year)\(contest) for all my contest efforts.

This way makes it super easy to archive, backup, search a log, or 
whatever.  I also stick all the POST reports in the contest directory, 
so I can always go right to a particular contest and get say the rate 

Personally, I don't want to see a scheme in which we have to keep all 
our files in the same directory.


David Jones, KK7GW   

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