[TRLog] Re: TrLog and Ja Int. DX cont.

n6tr@teleport.com n6tr@teleport.com
Tue, 3 Nov 1998 21:56:39 -0800 (PST)

> I'm Dima (4z5cp) 
> I got trial version of TRLOG and I try to work in JA Intrnat. DX contest
> (simulate). 
> >From prefecture 1 to 40 number of exchange all ok. 
> If  I want to enter JA6ZPR (he is in 44 prefecture) I can't enter in
> exchange number 44 
> only less or more 50. 
> I think log check CQ zone not JA pretekture but why I can enter number 50
> and more ?? 

This is a bug that was introduced when I tried to prevent signal reports
from being counted as zones.  However, I didn't disable this when using
the CQAndZoneExchange for the JIDX contest.  

This was probably introduced in May (version 6.25).  Thanks for
finding it well before the next JIDX contest!


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