[TRLog] Paddle Port Problems with Laptop

PaulKB8N@aol.com PaulKB8N@aol.com
Sat, 14 Nov 1998 08:41:33 EST


I have a Cannon 133 MHz laptop that is loaded with Win 95.  I boot into the
DOS mode (from startup) and can get everything working except the Paddle Port.
I use identical LOGCFG files and program files between the desktop and laptop.
The Paddle Port uses the pullup resistors as described in the Manual.

I'm planning to play CQWW from a portable location here in Texas (nice high
hill), and don't want to bring an extra keyer along.

I suspect there may be an IRQ conflict with the Mouse(?), as that's the only
internal device that's still active after doing an F8 DOS boot. Thanks in
advance for the help.


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