[TRLog] TRLog and Toshiba 1910CS

Bob Hightower ki7mn@extremezone.com
Wed, 18 Nov 1998 12:13:39 +0000

At 08:33 PM 11/17/98 +0000, I wrote:
>Still having problems sending CW from TRLog in the Toshiba 1910CS. The
>serial interface works fine with the older laptop, but I get no response
>from the Toshiba. Seems to machine specific. I don't have the docs on the
>laptop, but did manage to get into the setup routine and see that I have
>the right port active.

Thanks for all the good responses to my question. Finally set up a parallel
interface, and that did the trick...works on both laptops. Now to dig out
the old T1000 and try it on that one.

Great group, this!
Bob Hightower KI7MN


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