[TRLog] TR & Linux

w9wi w9wi@bellsouth.net
Sun, 22 Nov 1998 03:53:39 -0600

For what it's worth...

I replaced my old 486-50 motherboard with a P166 w/32MB RAM two weeks
ago, and now TRLog's performance (6.28 - haven't gotten around to
installing the current version on the Linux machine) under DOSemu is
perfectly acceptable - it sends perfect CW up to at least 50wpm.  I
still haven't tried actually controlling or keying a radio, but I have
set up a CW port and nothing has upchucked...  

Operating under XDOS, however, does NOT provide acceptable CW, at least
not on this hardware.  (in fact, it's so bad that I doubt it will work
reliably on any currently available hardware)

73 Doug

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