[TRLog] Version 6.34 - Error with LOG FILE NAME command ?

Arturo Gargarella - LU6ETB lu6etb@cvtci.com.ar
Wed, 25 Nov 1998 23:07:36 -0300


I'm sorry but there must be something I did not understand as I was not able
to run TR with this new feature.

If differents contests may be in the same directory, how can I start a
particular contest ?.

Do I need to have a 'xx.cfg' file and start with something like 'tr xx' ?.
BTW, I tried this option and it did not work.

Would you please give an example ?.

73 de Arturo, LU6ETB

PD : What  I am using now is differents directorys for each contest.
Since I do not like to use 'log.dat' for every contest,  I also use diferent
So, for me it is very important to use the LOG FILE NAME command.

-----Mensaje original-----
De: n6tr@teleport.com <n6tr@teleport.com>
Para: lu6etb@cvtci.com.ar <lu6etb@cvtci.com.ar>; trlog@contesting.com
Fecha: Martes, 24 de Noviembre de 1998 17:42
Asunto: Re: [TRLog] Version 6.34 - Error with LOG FILE NAME command ?

>If you are going to use the LOG FILE NAME command now, you need
>to leave off the .dat part.  It will use the name you put in there
>as the "root" name for the following files:
>  xxx.log  - Your log file
>  xxx.tmp  - Your log.tmp file
>  xxx.rst  - The restart.bin file
>  xxx.cfg  - The logcfg file.
>This is part of the new feature allowing you to have differnet
>contests in the same directory.  I realize this hasn't been
>released yet, but essentially all of the code is there, but mostly

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