[TRLog] CQP (*minor* problem)

Doug Smith W9WI w9wi@bellsouth.net
Mon, 5 Oct 1998 08:30:16 -0400 (EDT)

(geez, this contest is as much fun as one can have on phone below 50MHz!)

For some reason, when I ran POST, it decided to mark all my SSB totals as
"DIG".  Best I can tell, it actually scored them correctly - I just edited
the .SUM file & used a search & replace to fix them.  The LOG.DAT file was
correct.  Obviously, this is not a serious problem!

73 Doug
(the post-contest log massage did a wonderful job of handling the mobiles
with multiple counties, like WW6Z; I was thinking I'd be spending an hour
working this stuff out, but it only took a few seconds!  My voice sure
wishes I'd set up the DVK.....)

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