[TRLog] PA QSO Party?

Chris Robson crobson@erie.net
Wed, 07 Oct 1998 07:01:01 -0400

At 11:58 PM 10/6/98 EDT, you wrote:
>Anyone know if TR works OK for the PA QSO ?  Seems like I used it last year
>but don't find a contest name for it unless it is PACC ???

In TR you have to "roll your own" in the PA QSO Party(scoring in this test
is difficult even for the PA specific programs). I have shared my
logcfg.dat and *.dom files with a few ops so that they could be set up.
It's not perfect but it does the job for online contesting.

I have made a logcfg.dat and .dom(both for out-of-state & in-state) which I
am going to use for the Pa Party. You will have to modify the logcfg to
your particular operating(instate/OOS),call etc.. Also, the point problem
has been an issue, but I will deal with that after the contest(simple
spread sheet work). When entering someone mobile or rover, with TR, I enter
the callsign/county(ex. KB3A/ERI) there so I don't get a dupe(unless I have
worked the station in that county) when I enter the call and I can see what
counties I have worked him in.

I have made the files available at:

Enter that address into any web browser address area and it should come up
and the files can be downloadable. If you have any problem, E-Mail me.

73, Chris KB3A

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