[TRLog] Bandmap problem

Wink wink@rpa.net
Sat, 24 Oct 1998 20:23:59 -0400

    I'm using the 6.30 version because my 6.31 was crashing,
no big problem...

I'm using a 486/dx2-33 and a TS-570 at 57600 baud.  I can
retreive calls and frequencies from the band map.  When in
S&P, it doesn't flash the frequencies when passed over or
update the ones I've worked unless I restart the program and
it looks at the log.  I've tried adjusting the guard band
and the call window is enabled.

    This stuff is no big deal, it just used to work when I
was running the program on a 286.

    10 meters is a blast this year!!!!!

Thanks, Gary  N2UM

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