[TRLog] Bandmap problem

Bob Lanning Bob Lanning" <blanning@ihot.com
Sat, 24 Oct 1998 19:41:08 -0700

I have a simlar problem in that the IC-781 and PC don't like 9600 baud.
Works fine at 4800.  Thats on a 386 and a 486 pc.  I had the same problem
with my 286 and IC-765.  Fastest it would work was 4800.

Maybe there is a setting needing changing.  Anyone know?

BTW - yes is set both the PC and Xcvr to the same baud rate.

Also, anyone got the IC-781 terminal plugged into your packet box.  Not all
characters sent come out in English.  A fixed set get translated to Japanese
characters.  It seems like the ASCII table is faulty.  I have an older 781
at work and the same thing.  Anyone got a work around?

Bob  W6OPO

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