[TRLog] Cross Check Sheet

Allen Turner Butchie_T@compuserve.com
Sun, 25 Oct 1998 20:47:38 -0500


 How do I create an alphabetical cross check sheet of calls worked ( Calls
not multipliers) for each individual band or an overall cross check sheet
for all bands. 

 The rules (rule #9) require that "All entrants are required to submit 
cross-check sheets ( an alphabetical list of calls worked ) for each band
on which 200 or more QSO's were made.  All other entrants are encouraged to
submit cross-check sheets." ...

 I have gone through all of the Post report entries and am unable to "find"
a function for printing out the alphabetical cross-check sheets for the
above rule. I can find one for multipliers but not an overall or band mode
for an alphabetical report. 

 Please point me in the right direction for I am lost in the "Post Zone"
with no way out. !!!!

 I am using version 6.31

 Butch Turner - KA0WWT  

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