[TRLog] New Feature?

Robert Beckstrom rpb@EC.Rockwell.COM
Tue, 15 Sep 1998 15:54:16 -0500

Hi Tree es All,

As a little peanut in contests (no tower, wire only) i appreciate the S&P
features/mode of TRLog.  I recently switched from CT. TRLog is far
superior, and now i would rather fight than switch back (remember the old
Tareyton cigarette commercial with the black eyes??).  Been having a blast...

Having said that, i spend most of my time in the S&P mode, since in the
larger contests i am unable to hold a frequency.  I really like the bandmap
feature, but would like to suggest a feature enhancement (as if you dont
get enough already!).

when using the bandmap window, packet spots are sorted in order of the
frequency spotted. However, if i am running a CW only contest (almost
always), the band map gets polluted with spots from other modes (implied by
frequency) which makes the band map a mess because it is not "normalized"
for the mode i am operating on.... 

Could a set of additional parameters be added that would allow one to set a
window of frequencies on a per band basis which would be used to filter out
spots which are not within the frequency windows???  Default window
parameters could be provided, and a flag to ignore them as well...

Then, only spots of interest (if running cw only) would be posted on the
window. Sorta like a "context" sensitive BandMap if u will...

windows for 40 SSB split ops could be a problem, but  udderwise...

I realize you could end up with a lot of add'l parameters.... but it would
be a 
neat feature..

does anyone out there have any comments?


bob, w9zv

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Submissions:              trlog@contesting.com
Administrative requests:  trlog-REQUEST@contesting.com
Problems:                 owner-trlog@contesting.com
Feature Wishlist:	  http://web.jzap.com/n6tr/trwish.html