[TRLog] Aurora reports - was: Update / VHF Feedback

Andy Cook, G4PIQ g4piq@blacksheep.org" <g4piq@blacksheep.org
Sat, 24 Apr 1999 21:36:03 +0100

Well - I'm at 52 degrees north and I've done over 100 auroral QSOs in a 2m 
contest in 2 hours before - but this was pretty exceptional! In reality I'd 
certainly not put that requirement anywhere near to the top of my list of 
things to worry about - especially if it's a signficant change / load on to 
the core functionality.


Andy, G4PIQ

-----Original Message-----
From:	Udo Lautenbach DL2ZAV [SMTP:dl2zav@online.de]
Sent:	22 April 1999 22:46
To:	n6tr@teleport.com; trlog@contesting.com
Subject:	[TRLog] Aurora reports - was: Update / VHF Feedback

*-----Ursprungliche Nachricht-----
Von: n6tr@teleport.com <n6tr@teleport.com>
An: trlog@contesting.com <trlog@contesting.com>
Datum: Mittwoch, 21. April 1999 17:42
Betreff: [TRLog] Update

>Well - I think the aurora signal reports will be a lot of work to
>fully implement.  There would have to be surgery on each of the
>possible exchange formats.  Most of them expect the RST to be all
>numbers and use that fact to help tell the difference between different
>pieces of data entered into the exchange string.


do we _really_ need this? How many Aurora reports do you log during a 24 hr
event? (Me: none, I'm at 50 deg N) Why not put a <Ctl-N>ote into the log 
that and edit it afterwards if the log checker needs it?

I think this will be program code that has to stay in memory all of the 
(needed to process any keystroke) and will take quite some lines. Remember,
we still have to have the whole program, all our log data AND the partials
list (and DOS) in those first 640K of memory!

Also I fear the program might get confused when deciding between Aurora
report or domestic QTH etc.

73, Udo
dl2zav@online.de     dl2zav@qsl.net

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