[TRLog] TRLog SetComm Serial Base I/O Utility

John Langdon jlangdon@outer.net
Mon, 26 Apr 1999 05:41:28 -0500

Bravo, Matthew!

I have a RocketPort PCI card and a total of 6 serial ports which work fine 
with most newer Windows apps but not with TR.  I think TR was actually 
driving some sales of Writelog by not having this ability.

Have you looked at USB support issues for TR?  Using USB has solved some of 
my port conflict problems in some non-radio applications very well.

Thanks again, John N5CQ

-----Original Message-----
From:	Matthew George [SMTP:matt@qrq.com]
Sent:	Sunday, April 25, 1999 10:56 PM
To:	TR Log List
Subject:	[TRLog] TRLog SetComm Serial Base I/O Utility

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